I had my two sharpened pencils ready to go but that was all that was sharp and ready as I prepared to take the test that would determine my future – the SAT college entrance exam. The Math section loomed like a specter of death.
It had been seven years since my last math class, Algebra I, where I squeaked by with a “grace” D. I was getting out of the Navy and had a job offer if I could get into college. Nobody told me there were SAT prep courses so I was going at this cold.
After looking over the Math questions I knew I was doomed. I didn’t have the foggiest idea how to even make an intelligent guess. But a salty old Navy Chief had taught me a secret. The Navy used multiple choice tests like the SAT and his advice was, “Boy, if you have absolutely no idea what the answer is, put C.”
That’s what I did for every single answer except I sprinkled in a few Bs. After all, I didn’t want to score 100 and have anyone think I was cheating.